Best Tips To Keep Your Child Safe In This Rainy Season By Dr. William Megelich
With the arrival of the monsoon, the greens are rejuvenated along with the people. However, things are not always good for the kids as the humidity of the atmosphere. “Surprisingly, the crowd of the parents with their sick kids is higher during monsoon than winter or summer. The main reason for that people don’t take precautionary measure while enjoying the first splash with their kids”, said Dr. William Megelich . So, here are the remedies and precautionary steps suggested by famous child physician Dr. William Megelich for your child during the rainy season. The first thing, you need to do is provide the kids healthy foods. Make sure they have ample Vitamin C in their diet that will boost the immune system. Avoid giving cold and uncovered foods to the children as there may be active bacteria. Ensure that your baby is having fresh and warm foods always. Along with that, foods from outside during the monsoon season are a big no. Set the room tempe...